Endorsement from Peterborough Occupational & Environmental Health Coalition

November 7, 2012

The Peterborough Occupational & Environmental Health Coalition
(O&EHC‐P) is pleased to be supporting the Lansdowne & Dupont
west‐end “community’s right to say NO” to the uranium
processing at the GE Hitachi plant. We are concerned for workers
and communities in which uranium can put both at risk.
In Peterborough citizens and labour formed a coalition to support
safe and realistic measures to deal with the residual toxic waste
from a long history of old industry in Peterborough; and to ensure
fair compensation and support for injured workers and their
families affected by both the impact of asbestos and combined
chemicals in the workplace.
Our common concerns with local residents living near the GE
Hitachi plant ‐ for the safety of workers and community residents
in and near industrial workplaces ‐ make us natural allies in raising
awareness of risks to workers’ health and safety.

Heather Brooks‐Hill & Marion Burton
Co‐Chairs O&EHC‐P
heatherbrookshill@mac.com & marionburton@nexicom.net